Architecturally trained, I am interested in alternative forms of practice at the intersection of design, advocacy, research and policy – particularly in relation to the conservation of 20th-century modernism.

My research interests include Singaporean urban and architectural history, critical heritage, and the political economy of the built environment.

I graduated with a First-Class Honours BSc Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part I) from the Bartlett, University College London, where I was awarded the Trevor Sprott Prize for Distinguished Work in Architectural History and Theory (2022) for my dissertation, ‘Conservation Contradictions: An Analysis of the Conservation of Golden Mile Complex through the Lens of Authorised Heritage Discourse’. I attended the Bartlett a recipient of the DesignSingapore Scholarship (2019-22).

I am currently pursuing an MSc in Architecture (Honours Programme) at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands, as a recipient of the Justus & Louise van Effen Foundation Excellence Scholarship (2024-26).

<aside> <img src="/icons/briefcase_gray.svg" alt="/icons/briefcase_gray.svg" width="40px" /> I have worked as an Architectural Conservation Consultant at Singapore’s only conservation and research consultancy Studio Lapis, focusing on the conservation of modernist buildings. I am also a regular research and writing contributor to Docomomo Singapore.


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